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My own AI assistant writer, AiD

The first and best WEBTOON- specific AI

The first AI service in Korea created exclusively for webtoons and an AI service with unparalleled quality

Strong copyright protection

100% expression of the artist's style and intention.
Create images based on the author's works
My own image, different from any other image

*Copyright belongs to me only

Convenient AiD settings

Setting up fast AI learning with at least 5 images
Upload your personal character image or
Built with engineer support

*Conveniently create your own assistant writer

Results that are easy to work with

Provides layer separation using AI technology.
To facilitate author intervention and revision
Available in JPG, PNG, PSD files

*Similar results to existing processes, convenient modifications

Use tutorial only

Starter Plan

0 won/month


27,000 won/month

27,000 won/month



Pen touch, coloring

Provides functionality

50aid coin limit


'Normal' AI cannot be used for webtoons.
In webtoons , the drawing style, character appearance, clothing, hair, etc.
It must be maintained consistently .

AiD requires at least 5 images of my work ,
It depicts all of this accurately.
You can create your own ‘ assistant writer AI’ .

Complex prompting and understanding of AI
No need.
As long as I have my creations, I can create any scene with any composition.
You can draw it easily!

Author's data

At least 5 sheets
Character image

Consistent and accurate
My own AI

How to work

In addition to registering your character in the AiD service,
Introducing a variety of working environments you can use.

Learning characters

Learn new characters.
'Engineer Support' service requests support from professional engineers
There is a 'personal image upload' service that allows you to personally upload data and learn.

Engineer Support

Upload personal image

Live Sketch

Create sketches in real time.

Mask group

Create a pen touch

Create a character's pen touch.

Mask group

Create a color

Add color to the line drawing.

Mask group

AiD has this pricing policy in order to provide better service.

Starter Plan

Tutorial only

0 won/month

Plan Policy

Standard Plan

100 aid coin limit

Pen touch, coloring function provided

27,000 won/month


Engineer Support Character Learning

Learn characters with the help of professional engineers. Just have PSD and CLIP files without separate file organization. You can create a character right away.

*It may take up to 3 business days.


40,000 won/chr.


Premium Plan

500 aid coin limit

Pen touch, coloring function provided

Provides live sketching function

135,000 won/month



Enterprise Plan

1GPU dedicated line

Adjust usage

*VAT not included

300aid coin limit



135,000 won/month


Pen touch, coloring

Provides functionality

Live Sketch

Provides functionality

135,000 won/month



Adjust usage

1 GPU dedicated line

Plan Policy

AiD aims to provide better service

We have this pricing policy.

My own AI assistant writer, AiD

Strong copyright protection

Convenient AiD settings

Results that are easy to work with

Mask group

My own AI assistant writer, AiD

Company name: Cream Co., Ltd.

Representative Name: Kim Ji-seong

About Us

Business Registration Number: 862-86-01982

Phone number: 070-4138-0272

©2023 by Cream.


Company name: Cream Co., Ltd.

Representative Name: Kim Ji-seong

Business Registration Number: 862-86-01982

Phone number: 070-4138-0272

©2023 by Cream.

Business address: 1116, 27, Teheran-ro 2-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Partnership Proposal

Terms of Use

privacy policy

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